Our Recreation program provides a diverse range of classes that include ballet, tap, jazz, hip hop, acro, contemporary, and more.  Classes are offered in various skill levels from beginning to advanced to accommodate the needs of every dancer.  All of our classes provide proper technical training that is balanced with a fun and enjoyable learning experience, designed to inspire a lifelong love for dance.  An annual recital will showcase the skills and progress developed throughout the year as dancers experience the excitement of a stage performance.

Recreational Classes

  • This class provides dancers with the poise, grace, and fluidity that will become the cornerstone of their dance training. Structured barre exercises help dancers develop strength and technical precision in their dancing while center combinations improve artistry and quality of movement. Ballet provides the foundation for many genres of dance and its benefits will serve dancers for a lifetime. Our Ballet classes are taught with kindness and compassion in an encouraging and inclusive environment. We recommend Ballet for all dancers ages 3 and up.

  • Pointe class is for dancers with previous ballet experience who have developed the necessary strength and ballet technique to work in pointe shoes. Dancers must possess the ankle strength and mobility necessary to safely dance on pointe. Instructor approval is required for this class. To be eligible for a pointe readiness assessment, dancers must be at least 12 years old and enrolled in a minimum of 2 ballet classes per week.

  • This class teaches the fundamentals and techniques of tap dancing, emphasizing rhythm in footwork. Students learn a variety of basic and advanced steps through structured exercises and choreography. Tap dance improves physical fitness, rhythmic awareness, and coordination. Classes are suitable for beginners as well as those looking to refine their tap dancing skills.

  • This class brings energy and excitement as dancers learn this expressive style of dance. Students will explore a variety of jazz techniques in combinations that include isolations, turns, leaps, and jumps. They will also learn combinations that will help them develop confidence and self-expression in their dancing. Upbeat music selections and stylistic choreography offer dancers a fun and dynamic class experience.

  • Emotional expression and creativity fuel the art of contemporary dance. Elements of various dance styles are incorporated, while freedom of movement and emotional expression are emphasized. Unique movement quality provides an added layer to dancers’ skill set and improvisation teaches dancers to explore the art of storytelling through dance. Spatial concepts are incorporated into choreography, including shapes, levels, and pathways.

  • This class is the perfect way for dancers to bring their own personal excitement, energy, and flair into the dance studio! Our Hip Hop classes incorporate a mix of old and new urban, pop, and street dance styles. Focus is placed on personal expression, agility and rhythm as well as freestyle movements. Dances of all ages will enjoy this high-energy class experience.

  • Our Musical Theater dancers will enjoy an immersive experience as they dance their way through some of Broadway’s most beloved hits. Dancers will learn to captivate an audience with charisma as they develop stage presence that will prepare them to step out with confidence into the spotlight for their next performance.

  • Acrobatic dance, or “acro” blends gymnastics-inspired tumbling and flexibility with the grace, beauty, and precision of dance. This class will help dancers develop the strength, balance, coordination, and body awareness required to incorporate acrobatic steps into their dancing. Appropriate precautions ensure dancer safety as instructors pay particular attention to individual skill level, making adjustments as needed.

  • Young dancers will learn creative expression through imaginative games and play, while subtle verbal cues provide gentle guidance, helping dancers explore concepts of space, levels, dance dynamics, and quality of movement. Use of fun and colorful props facilitate learning while dancers engage in both individual expression and coordinated group activities. This class is for dancers ages 10 and under.

  • Dance improvisation involves the creation of movement, allowing dancers to explore individuality, creativity, and artistic expression outside the limitations of specific predetermined choreography. In a deeper dive beyond Contemporary, dancers will discover how to integrate music quality and emotion into their movements, allowing them to experience the full creative spectrum of this freeing art form. This class is for dancers ages 13 and older.

  • Dancers will sharpen their skills through a variety of exercises and across the floor activities, designed to increase their overall quality of movement with a focus on technical precision. A breakdown of foundational skills will help dancers improve their turns and leaps, while reinforcing correct body alignment. They will learn the basic technical elements required to progress in many other forms of dance while simultaneously increasing flexibility and strength.

  • Flexibility and strengthening exercises are the focus of this class, helping dancers to build the muscle groups that will take their dancing to the next level. Resistance training and a blend of static and dynamic stretching techniques will give dancers enhanced mobility and range as well as the strength to properly execute many of the skills that are essential to their training. This class is appropriate for anyone wishing to build strength and muscle tone while increasing flexibility.

  • This class is designed specifically to help dancers prepare for Company auditions as well as Dance Team auditions. Dancers will learn skills that will give them a competitive edge in the audition process, as they develop their abilities with technical training. Dancers will also learn helpful tips that will give them the self-assurance needed to feel confident in all of their dance related activities. The class is taught by an instructor who has served on guest judge panels and has extensive experience and familiarity in the audition process.

*Non-Recital Class