Avery Cookman


Avery’s dance journey began in early middle school where she spent 2 years as a DMS Dazzler.  After hearing about a local competition studio, and knowing she wanted to try something different, Avery decided to make a change.  She auditioned and was selected as a Company dancer, which launched her dancing to the next level.

Avery quickly developed a great passion for artistry and the dance community.  Her love for all dance genres blossomed, but she found herself resonating most with Contemporary and Improv styles of movement.  Avery trained with RISE Dance Center for 5 consecutive years, attending numerous conventions and dance competitions.  She was awarded First Place for several solo performances and has received multiple “Judge’s Choice” awards. 

It was during Avery’s Senior year of high school, she found she had a love and gift for teaching.  Avery was given the opportunity to teach mid-level Contemporary classes and was also invited to create a piece of her own, where her talent was showcased on stage at competitions throughout the season.   Avery’s choreography in her piece “Colors”, was awarded First Place for Student Choreography at Intrigue Dance Intensive.  She fell in love with creating pieces of her own and has since choreographed multiple works for both classes and recitals.  Avery’s goal for teaching is to share her love of artistry and to inspire younger dancers to never give up as they reach for their dreams.  She hopes to train and grow alongside her students while providing them with proper dance training and sharing in the love of movement.